This I wrote on my Macedonian blog, when it was greet on New Year, since I opened this blog later, a little late with congratulations, but that does not mean that it does not apply to you all:
Many colors inspire me. I love mottle of colors, people, characters... Coming this New Year and everything has to be cheerful. Winter is, but tonight let the joy of flowers be in all of us. Don't want to wish you Happy New Year with fir and lanterns, you have them at home...I wish you with colors and flowers, and at least a rest from everyday drab... To raise a glasses, see your dears in the eye and cry of luck as you are with them.

Because where they are, there are we and joy.
From all my heart I wish you HAPPY NEW YEWR - 2010 - ,
let it be better from the previous and let bring health, love and joy.