Crochet Stories

Something about croshet, jewellry, art, trevel and other nice things!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Site nijansi roze

A few days ago I made this pair cute "all ways pink" earrings, while I was waiting the time of my husband's arrival from Afghanistan, where he works. After tree and a half mounts I'll see him again and I was very nervous. And, that's my curs, when I am nervous I must work something... He is here for 15 days more, so see you after, when my nervous will transform in other lovely stuffs, when he'll back there...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Variations on theme - Black and white world

Another octopus pair... The difference is in the circle and length. Those are lengthier and ideal for short hair...

Saturday, October 2, 2010


I've never taught that any of my earrings would be called "Octopus". :)))))))
But, today when my brother saw them, he sad : an Octopus!
At first it seemed funny to me, but later while I was preparing the pictures I saw them like an Octopus... So, let it be!

They are made from crochet part, with plastic-metal elements.